La Catalunya pintoresca (1919)
Three fascicles of 10 engravings and one of 20, with text by Francesc Pujols and a prologue by Joan Sacs. 1st edition, Salvat-Papasseit Llibreters. Barcelona. 2nd ed. 1933, Llibreria Catalònia; 3rd ed. 1947, Editorial Millà, Barcelona; 4th and 5th eds., 1979 and 1987, Olañeta, Palma de Mallorca (facsimiles and an introduction by Francesc Fontbona); and a 6th bibliophile edition, 1990, Fundació Xavier Nogués. Here we have a few “photographs” from the time, which demonstrate a perspective that only true satiric illustrators, poets of the image, are capable of reflecting without the need for anything other than a sheet of paper, a pencil and their own intelligence.
Abecedari català per a nens (1920)
Preceded by some words from Pompeu Fabra. Llibreria Nacional Catalana. 1st edition, Salvat-Papasseit Llibreters, Barcelona. 2nd and 3rd eds., 1984 and 1995, Alta Fulla, Barcelona.
50 ninots (1922)
Prologue by Ramón Reventós. Salvat-Papasseit Llibreters. 1st edition, Barcelona, 1922.